Crisis eagerly recruit volunteers around the festive
period to help with their 'Crisis at Christmas' shelter service. Derek Mace,
however, argues that Christmas-time volunteering merely soothes people's
consciences and comes from a place of sympathy rather than empathy.
Sympathy, he argues, is not what his clients need and therefore the work much
better left to the professionals. Furthermore, he considers the cost of
training up 'fairweather' volunteers as diverting scant resources from the
clients who truly need them. Essentially, he urges people who only want to help for the short-term to stay away since they do more
harm than good.
However, I would argue that Derek Mace ignores a huge benefit of so-called 'fairweather' volunteering; participation and engagement in homelessness issues. Here at The Pavement Perspective, we think people find it all too easy to ignore homelessness and rely upon blaming individuals for their own situation without much knowledge about the kinds of circumstances affecting those without stable housing. The only way to dispel such myths is to encourage people to actually engage with those living on the streets and learn about their situation. Recruiting Christmas-time volunteers is an excellent way for some charities at least to draw people in - what might begin as sympathy may graduate to empathy once their understanding has developed. It also follows that if you are engaged at Christmas, you will be more likely to engage for the rest of the year.

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